Hospital Guidelines for Patients with MCS
Includes protocols for surgery and treating pdf
Surgery in the Chemically Sensitive Patient
See Chapter 41 in: W J Rea, Chemical Sensitivity, Vol. 4 – Tools of Diagnosis and Methods of Treatment
Letter to Dentists
Information to consider when treating patients with MCS – download pdf
Oxidative Dehalogenation
An extract from Chemical Sensitivity VOl 1 by Prof W J Rea, published 1992: Chlorine in Drinking Water
“The cytochrome P-450 system is one of several capable of dehalogenating organic compounds by oxidation. Halogenated pesticides, chlorinated drinking water, anaesthetics, cleaning agents, propellants, and chemical intermediates all challenge the detoxification systems of humans, especially the chemically sensitive. As stated previously, many of these products are found in the chemically sensitive. The final breakdown product of the haloforms is to carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide has been found to inhibit the oxidative metabolism of halogenated hydrocarbons including 1,1,2-trichlorethane, chloroform, and fluorexene.2 Therefore, when the chemically sensitive are exposed to these halogenated substances, a self-cycling downhill course occurs with increased sensitivity.
Chlorine is preferentially removed from that carbon atom, bearing two chlorine atoms and a hydrogen atom. Dihalobromines and methanes requiring NADPH (B3) for detoxification are converted to formaldehyde. This detoxification process explains why the chemically sensitive, who frequently lack B vitamins, need both these and oxygen when they are exposed to toxic halogens. The metabolism of chloroform (CHCL3) is oxidised by the cytochrome P-450 system to trichloromethanol which is spontaneously converted to phosgene by dehydrochlorination. CCl4 is broken down into hexachloroethane. The products formed by oxidative dehalogenation, e.g., carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and phosgene are toxic. The same is true for halogen anaesthetics.This breakdown with those final-end products explains why chemically sensitive patients (whose detoxification systems are already damaged) have so much trouble with halogenated compounds, with each new exposure inevitably making them worse. Many female patients report the onset of their chemical sensitivity after a delivery in which halogenated hydrocarbons were used as anaesthetics.”
MCS medical research:
Canadian Hospital Guidelines – Hospital Guidelines for Patients with MCS
‘Multiple Chemical Sensitivity’ by Professor Malcolm HooperPublished in ‘Psychiatry: An Evidence Based Text’.
Nitric Oxide Theory – Martin Pall. An explanation of the possible mechanisms of MCS.