I started having an intolerance to gluten around 2000. I then started to have more symptoms in 2013 through to 2015 with insomnia and I was waking up at 3 or 4am with severe anxiety, vertigo, fainting, panic attacks and Raynaud’s. It was getting worse and worse. Then in 2015 I got so severely sick from one day to the next and suddenly had severe MCS as well as severe CIRS – Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, from toxic mould exposure, severe EMF sensitivity, where my smell and sensitivities hit the roof. I also had little flashing light specs in my vision, severe anxiety and depression, OCD, PTSD symptom’s, food allergies and intolerance especially gluten, wheat, sugar, and dairy – all I could eat was meat, fish – organic and not fed on grain or I would react, vegetables, a little fruit, olive oil and avocados. Although I became reactive to avocados in the end too. Also arthritic pains in hands.
With my MCS I could not tolerate – perfumes, clothes detergent, soaps, shampoos, creams, sprays, nail varnish, make up, cleaning products, bleach, pens, newspaper, paper, candles, petrol – at one point I couldn’t walk in the road without a mask. I feel like I’ve missed some out now but anything with a fragrance blew my head off and I felt like I was being poisoned, drowing in it! Not only the smell, but I could taste them so strongly on my tongue!!
I could not go into old buildings because the smell of mould was absolutely intolerable for me and made me sick and frightened ( it would make me freak out so much because the signal I was getting was that the building wanted to kill me),everyone else was absolutely fine in these buildings.
EMF sensitivity wise – I would feel this prickling sensation (like ants crawling on me) on my face if I had a phone, WiFi box, or cordless phone near me. As well as severe anxiety – but rising in my body physically – and severe sharp headaches. I could literally sense them when they were near and even if out of sight. It was absolute madness. From 2016 my symptoms became that little bit more manageable because I went into severe avoidance, but then when I could come into contact with a perfume, any chemical, a phone near me etc my reactions got even worse.
My mother also suffered with most of these symptoms, but she also had chronic back, knee and foot pain and had a severe lack of energy.
In August 2020 my mother discovered Annie Hopper of DNRS – Dynamic Neural Retraining System – and watched a video of her having had the same symptoms as us and having recovered from these symptoms via neuroplasticity methods. These symptoms are due to impairment of the Limbic System in the brain. The neuroplasticity methods that Annie Hopper has founded help re-wire the brain, the Limbic System, to be exact. I started implementing the course in October 2020. It took me 7 months to reduce my symptoms to about 70% I would say. I then began the neuroscientist, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work. By August 2021 I had moved out of a place with my mum and got my own flat, an old Georgian flat and I never thought this would ever be possible again due to the CIRS. My MCS and EMF sensitivities had totally gone. I still had light symptoms of CIRS remaining with mould sensitivity, but it didn’t frighten me anymore because I understood it was a maladapted stress response to mould and that I was safe. My brain had just been trying to tell me I wasn’t but was in absolute overdrive.
I will be forever grateful to Annie Hopper and Dr Joe Dispenza for their efforts to help people heal and I hope my story helps someone too.