Donate now to improve lives...
MCS-Aware provides information and support to thousands of people worldwide helping to improve sufferers’ health and quality of life. YOU can help us make a difference. Please give your support and together we can help transform lives. Our charity relies on funding from subscriptions and donations. Please donate today and help us ease suffering.
MCS-Aware is a registered charity no. 1152139.
How can I make a donation?
Online: Make a one off or a regular donation By PayPal, debit or credit card click here. The donation buttons are displayed throughout the site and in the right hand corner of our homepage.
Cheque or international postal order: Payable to ‘MCS-Aware’. Please send cheques or postal orders to: MCS-Aware, Suite 15, InTech House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts. SG4 0TW.
If you’d like to set up or renew your membership, please click here.
Read more about giving some help with fundraising, and other ways to help our vital work. You might also consider leaving a legacy to the charity in your will.
Thank you for your support.
Can you claim Gift Aid on my donations?
If you are donating by cheque: Download a Gift Aid Declaration form here and post or email it to us:
MCS-Aware Suite 15, Intech House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts. SG4 0TW (UK)
What will we spend the money on?
We help people with MCS, their families and health practitioners by providing information and support to facilitate recovery. We are working towards getting MCS recognised as a chronic, physical illness in the UK to improve support and treatment for sufferers. Every penny helps us with our running costs, for example £3 pays for 2 hospital help sheets to be printed. £25 will print a large poster to raise awareness of MCS. More than £100 will enable us to start working towards projects including Guidelines for GPs, a telephone information service, and improving access to safer accommodation for people affected by environmental illness