What is an article?
An Article is a piece of content usually consisting mainly of text, but may contain other resources too (for example, images). An Article is most often regarded as the third level in the hierarchy Sections -> Categories -> Articles.
For example, this website has Sections called “Help Centre” and “Info”. Within the “Help Centre” Section, the website has Categories such as “Chemical Sensitivity”, “Food Intolerance” and “Electrical Sensitivity”. In the “Chemical Sensitivity” Category are Articles called “What is Chemical Sensitivity?”, “Improve Your Health”, “Recovery”, etc.
However, it is also possible to have Uncategorised Articles that exist without being associated with any Section or Category. These are usually used for admin or technical purposes.
When creating an article, it MUST be assigned to a Section AND Category in the option fields (shown below):
How to create an article?
- Login
- Click on “Submit an Article” in the user menu.
- Title your article in the text field labeled ‘Title’.
- Add images to your document. You can select previously uploaded pictures, give a direct URL to an image or upload your own image. (optional)
- Add pagebreaks to your article. Pagebreaks make a table of contents for your article. (optional)
- Add a readmore tag to your article. Anything past the readmore tag can only be seen if the article is viewed individually. (optional)
- Type your article in the large text field.
- Assign your article to a Publishing Section AND Category.
- Return to the top of the page and click on the save button to create the article. Clicking on cancel will take you back to the homepage without saving.
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