
EHS Books & Services


Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Michael Bevington NEW EDITION: March 2013 This is a fully comprehensive summary of EHS and research. Ideal to give to medical practitioners to explain your symptoms. Fully referenced. Available here. Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment by Dr Cyril W Smith &...

Allergy or Intolerance?

Young Woman Thinking --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis The difference between food sensitivity, allergy and intolerance can be confusing so each term is briefly described here. The advice on this website is not intended for people suffering from true food allergies as they need to completely avoid their allergens. If you...

An Allergy Free Bedroom

Reducing allergens in the bedroom should significantly improve the quality of sleep, especially as the bedroom is usually the place we escape to if we're feeling tired or ill. Deep, refreshing sleep not only enables our bodies to heal more efficiently but also helps us cope more positively with life. Setting up...

Coronavirus and MCS

This is a really difficult time for us all, with the worry and fear for our health but also for our friends and family’s health. With the extensive media reports, from home and from around the world, we can feel bombarded with scary facts and the concern of not knowing...


Welcome to MCS-Aware

If you've found MCS-Aware then you've probably worked out that some of your symptoms are due to sensitivity reactions. When I first developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), I started to react to all kinds of things: shampoo, perfumes, cleaning detergent, even plastic bags. I had no idea what was going on...

REACH letter to MP’s regarding Chemicals & Brexit

(date) Dear (name) MP,   As your constituent, I am writing to you to express my serious concerns about the potential negative impacts of Brexit on protection of people and the environment from hazardous chemicals in the UK.  I am particularly concerned about the possibility of leaving the EU's chemical regulation, REACH, which, although it’s not...

Let us support you on your journey in 2023

Want information on ways to deal with your MCS? Why not join the MCS-Aware membership subscription to get access to a whole heap of benefits that can support you and your illness. With access to over 150 helpsheets, a Penpal directory that allows you (if you wish) to either speak...


Ways to decrease stress

Living with a life-changing condition like environmental illness is incredibly stressful. It can impact every area of your life. In turn physical, mental and emotional stress can also exacerbate food and chemical sensitivities setting up a vicious cycle. If you have identified one of the sources of stress in your life...

Plastic Free July

The plastic bottles, bags and takeaway containers that we use just for a few minutes use a material that is designed to last forever. These plastics: break up, not break down – becoming permanent pollution are mostly downcycled (made into low grade product for just one more use) or sent to...