Allergy UK
Electro-Sensitivity UK
ES-UK is a charity providing information and support for Electro-sensitivity. Their aim is to provide unbiased and balanced information to help those who have become sensitive to mobile and cordless phones, their masts, wifi, and a multitude of common everyday electrical appliances
Action for ME
Action For ME is an organisation led by people with ME for people with ME. Information and support including e-newsletters, podcasts and forum.
FAB - Food & Behaviour Research
A charity dedicated to advancing scientific research looking at nutrition and human behaviour and making the findings available.
FABED - Families affected by eosinophilic disorders
Eosinophilic disorders can mimic many of the symptoms of other diseases including MCS, because of this diagnosis can take a long time and is a painstaking process of elimination. FABED offer information and support.
Invest in ME
Invest in ME Research - an independent UK charity giving information and campaigning for biomedical research into ME
Sussex & Kent ME/CFS Society
The Sussex and Kent ME/CFS Society inform, support and represent those affected by ME across Sussex and Kent. Services include helpline, newsletters, meetings and special interest groups.
ME Research UK
ME Research is a charity with the aim of commisioning and funding scientific investigation into the causes, consequences and treatment of ME/CFS. Research publications, studies and magazines are published twice a year.
ME Association
Research, support and information on ME. Also ME Connect Telephone Helpline service open every day

Support Groups
25 ME Group
Chemical Sensitivity Network
Blog, Forum and news for MCS, Germany
Chemical Sensitivity Network
Blog, Forum and news for MCS, Germany
Action Against Allergy
Action Against Allergy (AAA) is a registered national charity which provides help, support and advice through their forums, articles, newsletters and events.
CIIN - Chemical Injury Information Network
CIIN is a support and advocacy organisation for MCS. They are mainly involved in education and research. There is a resource library for members, a forum and monthly newsletter. They are based in America.
AMICA - Association for the Chronic or/and Environmental Injury Illness
Italian support group and information for MCS, links to pages in English.
Eclipse - Light Sensitivity
EHANS - Environmental Health Association of Novia Scotia
Environmental Illness Resource
Address: 12, Maplewood Drive, High Farm, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS6 OGB
HACSG - Hyperactive Children's Support Group
ME/CFS Australia
Tel no: 0061 08 8346 3237
Address: P O Box 28, Hindmarsh, South Australia 5007
Information and support group on ME who meet in the London Borough of Havering.
Address: Long Term Conditions Centre, Via Kings Park Estate, Gubbins Lane, Harold Wood, Romford, Essex, RM3 OAR
Useful Services
Electricians who have knowledge of carrying out rewiring for people with Electro-Sensitivity.
Electric Forester Investigations Ltd.
Nationwide EMR surveys of EHS levels. 10 mins free EMR advice line for EHS/MCS sufferers.
Juliette Clancy Counselling
Counselling and Workshops.
The Outside Clinic
Optician providing a home service
Phlebotomy Services
Phlebotomy Service in the South of England. Private home visiting blood collection in Hants, Wilts, Berks, other places by arrangement.
Get Your Life Back Today - Wellness Coaching
Former CEO of MCS-Aware, Nicki Greenham, has set up a consultancy service called Get Your Life Back Today, where people can get individual advice on environmental health issues. In particular help on making simple and practical changes to your home to improve your health.
Mental Health Helpline is an independent nonprofit organisationUseful helpin
MCS, EHS, ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia
BESM - British Society for Ecological Medicine
BSEM is an information website that promotes the study and good practice of allergy, environmental and nutritional medicine. The society publishes various reports and a regular newsletter for its members.
My Chemical Free House
This website covers materials for new builds, renovations and decoration for folks with chemical sensitivities (including those with severe MCS).
Beneficial Environments
Surveys, advice and products for EHS. Provides a free ebook on ‘How to Reduce your Everyday Electromagnetic Pollution’.
Food intolerance and Diets
Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free Diet Support. Has a large forum and aims to help as many people as possible with celiac disease get diagnosed and living a happy, healthy gluten-free life.